Mortgage Info

Our preferred partners help make the home buying process easy.

Use our preferred lenders/attorneys and we will pay up to $2000 of closing costs!

We have several mortgage partners that offer an array of mortgage programs to suit your preferences. From VA specialists to FHA specialists and several different programs to include 100% financing available in all neighborhoods. They also have 100% Rural Housing programs and State Housing programs. Please inquire to find a financing program that meets your needs.

Preferred Lenders

  • Resource Financial

    Loan Officer: Gina Bush

    Office: 803.318.4016
    Mobile: 803.318.4016

  • Guild Mortgage

    Athena J. Leventis
    CFP® Senior Loan Consultant


  • Columbia Mortgage Corporation

    Bill Ernst


Preferred Attorneys

  • Harrell, Martin, and Peace, P.A.
